Sunday, July 20, 2008

The quest for a new church begins...

We visited a new church for the first time today. We explained to Elijah that we are too far from our old church so we need to find a new one. The new one we visited had a great message but the worship service...let's just say it was lacking. Part way through the 'worship' service Elijah realized that he was the only one trying to clap or raise his hands (we would have if the songs had a beat) and he leaned over and whispered, "No one is moving." He was later won over by the playground and the fact that a nice lady gave him a donut. What more does a 3 year old need, right?...Needless to say we will try another one tonight.

I encouraged Elijah as he was taking a nap to get plenty of rest because we would be visiting another church tonight. He asked if it was the same church we went to this morning. When I told him it would be a different church he sat straight up in bed and said in complete frustration "That's 3 churches, how many churches our we going to have Mommy?" Ahh, nothing like Mommy guilt on a Sunday afternoon.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Once again God provides

God's timing is always perfect. We had been praying for our house to sell before we moved and on the day we moved we signed a contract on our house. God has always come through for us. The best part is after only being in the home for 10 months, we were able to make a profit on it!!!

As for the move, we are almost completely moved in. My (Matt's) mom has been here helping with the kids and unpacking and we never could have done it this quickly with out her help.

Down below, per request, you will find a picture of the new home and the outdoor seating area that is adjacent to the backyard.

We hope that you are all doing well.

Matt, Rachel, Elijah and Emma

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Moving Day!!!!

Moving day is finally upon us! There are sometimes that we have looked forward to this day and other times that we have dreaded this day. For those of you that are helping us (AGAIN!!) you will here it many times, but here it is again THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We really can't tell you how much we appreciate your help.

Good news on the "house for sale" front. We think we will be recieving an offer very soon. There is a couple that has seen the house twice and they are asking a lot of questions about everything. They haven't offered yet, but we are praying that they will. It will be another answer to prayer and another amazing way that God has worked in this entire situation.

Finally, our new home has lots of extra room so we expect to see many of you (family and friends) when you come to the area. You will always have a place to stay with us.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is God dead?...deep thoughts from a 3 year old

Through this hairy process of moving we have lost a few (okay...ALL) of Elijah's fish. The last one to go was Moby, aka the biggest sucker fish in Parker County. Elijah was pretty upset and wanted to know what happened to sucker fish. I told him that Moby was in heaven with Jesus and happier there than he ever was here. Elijah didn't care that Moby was happier in heaven- he wanted Moby here with him. I explained that all things die sometime and when they do hopefully they get to go to heaven to be with Jesus.
Elijah pondered this for a while and then asked "Doesn't Jesus live in our hearts?" I started to explain this to him when he asked "Who's God?" I explained that God was the Father of Jesus and the Maker of Heaven and earth. Elijah asked "Where does God live?" I told him that God lives in heaven. His eyes got bright that it all finally made sense and then said "Ohhh, then if God lives in heaven He is dead right?"
Let's just say that we had a lengthy conversation to straighten it all out but I couldn't help but laugh at the deep thoughts from my vivacious 3 year old!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Welcome to our family blogspot!!!

We have set up this blogspot to keep in touch with "our-people" back home. We will do our best to keep pictures posted along with our latest and greatest news. We are no Sarah H. but we will do our best to match her blogging mojo.

We will be moving down south this weekend. The pictures below are of the lake that our new home and schools back up to.
We are very excited about this new adventure. For those of you who don't know, Rachel will be teaching 5th grade and I will be teaching High School Science and coaching Football and Track. Keep us in your prayers as we move and try to sell our home and make this major change.