Friday, August 15, 2008

Again God is taking care of us...

Our faith has really been tested recently. Not only have we had to deal with the death of a beloved family pet, but we have also had to deal with a strained relationship with our landlord. There is to much to go into detail about but lets just say that we have had several disagreemets and several reasons not to trust our landlord. About 2 weeks ago we asked out of our lease and after a rollercoaster ride of yes and no we are finally released from our lease.

Several good things have come out of this. We are learning to fully rely on God, especially in situation where we feel like we have been wronged. We have met some wonderful neighbors and fully expect them to be good friends for a long time. And finally, we have found another home(this time to purchase) that is much better than we could have ever expected. In a few short weeks we will be moving in.

The best part of this whole thing is that we have found a church home. We walked in on a Sunday morning and God's presence had absolutly filled the place. Both Rachel and I were touched and ministered to in an amazing way and after service the pastor and his wife took us out to lunch. We are starting to build relationships and really feel like God has confirmed that this is where He wants us to be.

Monday, August 11, 2008


We had a family tradgedy occur last Monday. Our beloved family pet Bear died. For those of you who have ever loved a pet you understand that our family has truly mourned this loss. Even Emma will bang on the back door and call for Bear to come. What a desperate feeling to lose a member of the family (even if he wasn't quite human) and know there is nothing you can do about it. We don't know how he died just that he was laying outside of the backyard fence with a head injury. Bear was 8 years old. He died the day after Matt's b-day- August 4th. He was so great with our kids and had the kindest soul. We pray that he's in heaven right now doing his favorite thing- chasing tennis balls.