Monday, January 19, 2009

Please be praying for Emma

For those of you who have been praying for Emma here is an update-
we took her to the hospital Friday and she had a VCUG and an ultrasound to check her renal system for kidney reflux, cysts on her kidneys, etc... We won't get the official results back for a few days but we did not see any die go into her kidneys from her bladder. Also, her ultrasound looked normal and if there had been a problem I'm sure they would have talked to us about it right then. We are going on month 8 of these high fevers with no symptoms. After doing some research on my own I wonder if it could be periodic fever disorder. Yes, there is such a thing! This is a disorder where a child can have high fevers with no explainable cause- the good news is that kids grow out of this by age 4-5. The bad news is we are back to square one and we have no idea what is really wrong or how to make our little girl any better.
I know that with God all things are possible. He created Emma's body and I firmly believe that she can be healed. Why God doesn't always just heal us right away I don't know. All we can do is trust that God will lead and guide Matt and I, give the doctors that we are seeing wisdom, and pray for healing!

Sunday, January 11, 2009