Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is God dead?...deep thoughts from a 3 year old

Through this hairy process of moving we have lost a few (okay...ALL) of Elijah's fish. The last one to go was Moby, aka the biggest sucker fish in Parker County. Elijah was pretty upset and wanted to know what happened to sucker fish. I told him that Moby was in heaven with Jesus and happier there than he ever was here. Elijah didn't care that Moby was happier in heaven- he wanted Moby here with him. I explained that all things die sometime and when they do hopefully they get to go to heaven to be with Jesus.
Elijah pondered this for a while and then asked "Doesn't Jesus live in our hearts?" I started to explain this to him when he asked "Who's God?" I explained that God was the Father of Jesus and the Maker of Heaven and earth. Elijah asked "Where does God live?" I told him that God lives in heaven. His eyes got bright that it all finally made sense and then said "Ohhh, then if God lives in heaven He is dead right?"
Let's just say that we had a lengthy conversation to straighten it all out but I couldn't help but laugh at the deep thoughts from my vivacious 3 year old!

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